Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Basic English Conversation

Basic English conversation is a must for the professional world. If you have already begun learning how to read and write English, or are trying to brush up on your English speaking abilities, then you need to come on over to ELT Podcast to learn basic English in a conversation tone.
In the professional world, small talk can sometimes get you a long way. It fosters a good feeling between you and those whom you work with, or those whom you converse with. And when meeting new people on the street, it is also important to learn how to speak clearly and have a great conversation in English.
This way you can make new business friends, or possibly grow your network of business associates. You will sound more trustworthy if you learn how to speak English well in a conversational tone.
With ELT Podcast you can learn a basic English conversation relatively easy. Just listen in as Bill and Robert meet as complete stranger?s and carry on each new conversation until they have become friends.
You too can learn how to meet and greet people, strangers, co-workers, acquaintances, and other business professionals and sound poised and professional just by following along with a few simple conversations such as these:
Learn the basic formal greetings between two strangers. This will help you effectively meet people when out enjoying your life by helping you dictate a great greeting when you run into somebody you don?t know.
Even if you know all the words, hearing how they are said, and the tones that go with them all the way through a basic greeting can help you sound more professional.
If you run into somebody you have already met, when a great way to strike up a great sounding conversation. Learn to copy their tones and wording while sounding uniquely you.
Now you won?t be left in the dust the next time you run into an English speaking acquaintance on the street or at a local coffee shop. Or continue your introductions from above, to simply help carry the conversation for longer.
Meet up with and acquaintance at a sports bar or caf?? Ever wonder how to bring the subject up the right way while sounding professional? By listening to Bill and Robert, you can hear and practice this great informal conversation so that soon, your English speaking associate will become a friend.
Do you have great weekend plans? Or are you wondering how to bring up the topic the next time you run into somebody you know who speaks English? Want to sound professional to your new co-workers with a great English accent on your words?
Continue your conversation skills here as you follow along with Bill and Robert and then practice on your own. You can listen to them as they converse about someone whom was spoken to on a subway train. Or listen in on weekend plans, vacations, and other great conversation starters.
Basic Conversations Introductions
Where Are You going
What Kind Of Sports Do You Like?
The Weekend
Who Did You Talk To
Weekends Plans
How Often Do You Go Skiing?
I Do Not Know How
Where Do You Usually Go For Vacation
What Are You Reading
Learning a basic English conversation along with your other English studies or alone to improve your dictation and tone can go a long way to helping you feel and sound professional. Learning English well is highly prized in the business community. It is fast becoming the most widely spoken language on earth.
Therefore, learning to speak English well, in addition to reading and writing, is paramount to a professional stance in your career. Using these basic ELT Podcast conversations online can help you to improve your speech right away.
Return From Basic English Conversation To Learn English Conversation

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