Thursday, September 29, 2011
Learn English Vocabulary
When you learn English vocabulary, you will be able to communicate in what many consider to be a global language. It is the de facto official language of the Internet world. And the Internet, as you may know, is the world's largest marketplace that is going to be a part of everyone's psyche in the near future. The efforts you are making today will pay off very well in the long run..
Learning English vocabulary is a real challenge. English grew from so many ancient languages -- Arabic, Chinese, Sanskrit even -- that it is not always consistent. There is a strong influence of Germanic languages and Romantic languages too.
Don't try to learn 50 or 100 English words all at once. When you learn English vocabulary in small chunks, you will discover that the new words will become part of your "working" vocabulary much faster. And, just think -- learning just 3 new words a day for a year means that you will have learned about 1,000 new English vocabulary words! Keep track of your progress and you will amaze yourself on how much you will learn.
Learning vocabulary is a basic tool to improve your English .There are at least 500,000 words in English. The native English speaker uses an average of 5,000 words in his/her everyday speech. And only 50 words make up 45% of everything written in English. So, there are many words you don?t need at all and there are other words that you simply need to understand when you read or hear them .Finally, there are words which you need to be able to use yourself. Clearly You need to spend most learning this last group.What Learning A New English Word MeansIt is not enough just to know the meaning of a word . You also need to know:what words it is usually associated with,whether it has any grammatical characteristics, andhow it is pronounced.Try to learn new words not in isolation but in phrases.Write down adjectives with nouns they are associated with and vice versa, e.g. royal family; rich vocabulary.Write down verbs with the structure and nouns associated with them, e.g. to express an opinionJot down nouns in phrases, e.g. in contact with; a train set ; shades of opinion.Write down words with prepositions, such as, at a high level; thanks to your help.For instance, think of the word "mountain". What are all the various adjectives that go with "mountain"? Perhaps
Now, instead of learning just "rocky" or just "mountain", you've learned two new words, AND you've learned how to use them.
You are embarking on a wonderful adventure. To help you on your way, here are some fantastic English language resources that will help you learn English vocabulary at a fast and furious clip. Here's what we've got for you:
IMPROVE ENGLISH VOCABULARYKnow Some of the best ways to improve English vocabulary.
Are you surprised whenever you come across English words that spell the same, but sound and mean different? Here's an example: "The bandage was wound around the wound". Fear not, we're here to clear the air in this section.
Learning Basic vocabulary can help you master English language in many fields.
You can get access to free online English vocabulary quizzes and lessons to aid those who are learning ESL to increase their vocabulary, become more proficient in the use of the English language, and teach them all the little things they need to know to become professional speakers of the language.
Get into the thick of English language in this section and shuttle between cool English words, practice grammar, or end up playing English games. After the laughter, you'll come out feeling like a wordsmith!
If you want to learn English vocabulary, you have to figure out what idioms are all about. Idioms are a cluster of words that make an expression ? they cannot and should not be taken literally. Plugging idioms in your conversation make your words bark and bite at the same time. This section will help you achieve that.
English articles are of two types ? definite (the) and indefinite (a, an). We can "definitely" tell you that browsing this section will make you master the English articles "indefinitely".
Okay, having picked up and learned English vocabulary from the previous sections, you now have to get a hang of writing proper English, using the right words ? powerful words that will make an impact on the reader. The resources in this section will teach you how to write right.
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