Saturday, September 24, 2011

Learn English Writing

learn english writing

It's there for the taking:  learn English writing! The English language is there everywhere. Take a look around you and you will find businessmen negotiating in English, white-collar workers filing their reports in English, and students learning English writing, reading and speaking because they want to be a part of the global community. So, you do understand that English is a global language ? the language of the world.

There are four aspects associated with learning any language ? listening, speaking, reading and, finally, writing. The first three are quite easy as far as the English language goes; it is the writing part that kind of intimidates any learner of the English language. This fear of writing is purely due to a mental/psychological block that makes one feel that writing is very tough ? come to think of it, you've been writing ever since you attended your first class in school! Well, if you still fear writing, then fear not, because we're here to make English writing easy for you. Out here, you can learn English writing skills quickly, so much so that by the time you are through with our resources you will be writing with flair and panache!

Some general things to remember while you learn English writing

When it comes to effective communication, writing works the best, unless you want to order a pizza or ask your partner out for a romantic date. Business houses, government bureaus, financial institutions, and individuals ? all of them conduct their business in writing. It is, therefore, important that you must know how to communicate effectively in written English . Here are a few things you must remember before you begin to put down your pen on paper or finger on keyboard:

1. If you're writing to a sober, no-nonsense person, avoid the use of slang, jargon and idioms. Stick to the point, be formal and keep your communication simple yet clear. Remember to always tailor your writing style according to the mindset of the reader.

2. The written word cannot be taken back, and so you have to be very careful not to make mistakes and not to offend anyone. Such writing errors can leave everlasting impressions.

3. If you are writing to a friend or to a potential life partner, then you can go ahead and be casual in your communication, but avoid the use of  slang, symbols and abbreviations, which are such a nuisance.

4. Everyone loves to see his own name in print provided it is spelled correctly ? so, don't make mistakes while spelling names, especially of potential employers or clients!

5. Focus on short sentences. Long sentences can put the reader to sleep and render your communication ineffective.

Finally, remember that you have to learn English writing skills in order to communicate effectively in today's world. Sure enough, this is hard work and needs practice, but in the end, your patience will pay ? and pay well!

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