Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Free Learn English Software

There are many reasons to look for free learn English software. Many eager learners of the English language would like to run a self-check on their knowledge of English before being subjected to tests from others. They would appreciate a computer telling them where they have gone wrong, so that they can correct their mistakes. These eager students of the English language can take heart ? as this section clues them on to a collection of free English learning software, which have been personally handpicked by our quality-conscious software specialists.
Most of our free English learning software come in the form of fun-and-learn games. They pose challenging exercises to test your knowledge about the English language in an interesting and motivating way, making learning easy and great fun. You can be reassured that the free English learning software on this page represents the best out of all such software available on the Internet.
What is free English learning software and what can it teach you?
Primarily, you will be playing games and having fun while learning English with any of our software. These software programs test your vocabulary and your English word-building prowess in a challenging environment packed with dandy audiovisuals and multimedia. The software either times you or allots you time to complete an English question, which makes the process of learning English all the more exciting.
Okay, let's talk about what "free" is all about. Most of the software listed as "free" is either "shareware" or "freeware". Now, shareware either allows you to try out the entire software for a certain period of time, or it allows you to try out certain features all of the time. If you like what you try out, you can buy the software after the trial period is over. "Freeware" is completely free ? no catches attached.
The big drawback to free learn English software is that it is usually written by amateurs. The quality is very inconsistent.
So, what free English learning software is right for me? Very often the answer is, "websites". There are any number of websites that offer written help, or assistance with your oral English. We have listed some of our favorites in our Resources Section.
Finally, before you head out from this page, you have to understand that learning a language ? any language ? requires hard work, dedication and perseverance. Our free English learning software in the form of fun-and-learn games not only keep your interest alive, they also give you a meaningful insight into the English language in a challenging environment.
Here are our favorite sites for free learn English software. So, go right ahead, and take your pick. Have fun and learn.
British Council An immense site, with hundreds of pages of information, activities, games, and resources.
Voice of America VOA has developed "Special English", a style of English using a limited number of words and phrases. For those advancing in their English skills, this is an excellent resource.
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