Tuesday, September 27, 2011
How to Learn English Grammar

How to learn English grammar? Well, it's not always easy. In fact, it is often quite challenging. Here are some tips and tricks for how to learn English grammar.
When you begin learning the language you start with reading and listening and then on to writing and speaking. Spoken grammar is not as strict as written grammar, so it will be easier for you to learn spoken English grammar first.
Once you feel pretty good about what you know when it comes to the spoken English language, you can start familiarizing yourself with the formal grammar. There are so many things you need to learn to use proper grammar in speaking and in writing. You have types of words such as verbs, nouns, adverbs, pronouns, sentence structure, etc. You will also need to know past, present and future tenses of words.
One tip on learning English grammar is to have fun with it. Find an educational game made for children or adults who are learning grammar. You can find all kinds of games online, video games and even board games and flashcards. Some games can be played alone and others can be played with others. This is a fun and educational way to learn what you need to know to write and speak proper English grammar.
Another good tip on how to learn English grammar is reading. When reading books, passages or articles in English, focus on how it all comes together. You should look out for grammar aspects you want to remember, mark them and think about why it is used the way it is. Once you think you know the answer refer to a grammar reference book to see how right you were about the rule of grammar.
An additional tip on how to learn English grammar is to set small goals for yourself. One goal could be to study and English grammar book for about 15 to 30 minutes a day. You can do this for 5 days a week and then on the 6th day do a review of all you have learned. On the 7th day rest and relax and treat yourself to something for all your hard work. Reaching your big goal by taking little goals in a step by step process is much easier than looking at the whole picture at once.
When you think ?oh this is so boring?, try not to think of it that way. Remember motivation is only half the battle. This is where the learning can be fun. Find some kind of text in English that is really popular among English speakers and try to figure out the meaning of it. You can also test out your skills by visiting a site about famous people and try to understand facts about your favorite famous person or people.
My last tip on learning English grammar is the most important of all. Do not over do it. Always start out small and work your way up. If you start out too big you could get overwhelmed and give up and that is the last thing you or I want to happen. You should always know when it is time to put down your studying tool and have some fun. You will notice that studying can be much more fun and easy if you don?t push yourself past your limit.
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