Thursday, September 29, 2011
Learn English Course

You?ve got a slew of choices in your learn English course. Whichever search engine you use, type in ?Learning English? and you?ll be bombarded with results! Some of the information you?ll see will offer courses completely on-line while others will offer you DVDs, books, inter-active tutorials ? you name it, you?ll find it. Teaching English is obviously a growth industry!
When you begin to learn English, you will find a vocabulary that is probably much more varied than that of other languages you know. If you have a translation dictionary, look at the number of pages of English words and then compare that with your own language.
This is because English, during the whole of is existence, has taken in words from many different languages ? starting with those brought into England by invading peoples from Europe and Scandinavia but then developing into languages brought back by the English when they returned from colonies overseas. The result has been that there are many, many words in English with the same, or extremely similar, meanings. This can be very confusing for new speakers ? but not as mystifying as the seemingly baffling numbers of verbs that are totally irregular.
In your learn English course, find the one that emphasizes the kind of vocabulary that you are likely to use, whether for a tourist adventure or a scientific assignment.
It?s no good thinking, with English verbs, that you are going to be able to learn a few simple declensions that will be applicable to the majority of verbs. A student once compiled a list of irregular verbs for me that was over 300 words long, and some web sites can give you even more examples than that! How will you cope, you?ll wonder.
And as for spelling, don?t ask. The only rule seems to be that there are no rules you can rely on! Playwright and essayist George Bernard Shaw famously wrote that you could spell the word FISH just as logically using the letters PHOTI which, at first glance, looks ridiculous. Just spend a few minutes, though, and you might be able to work out how Shaw can make this justifiable claim. If you can?t work it out yet, you will do one day. However, even Shakespeare couldn?t spell properly; including his own name ? there is plenty of evidence that it was spelled in several different ways during his lifetime.
Then there?s the pronunciation ? and not just the difference between the English and American accent. Just wait until you have to learn the host of ways in which the letters OUGH can be pronounced. It?s frightening.
But please don?t be disheartened enough to give up! After all, millions of people have already mastered it, so you surely can. Around about 350 million people worldwide have English as their first language; a further 600 million or so have it as their second; and in March 2007, one estimate of people who could speak some English was an astonishing 1.8 billion. It can?t be that hard, then, can it?
Just think of the benefits that following a structured, coherent learning English course can bring you.
! You?ll be able to watch movies in their original language so that you know what Brad Pitt or Nicole Kidman really sound like.
! You?ll be able to understand the words of rap songs ? if you really want to.
!You?ll have access to 95% of all the pages on the internet.
! You?ll be able to be an airline pilot.
! You?ll be able to access international television networks like the BBC or CNN International all over the world and get the news faster and more professionally than you might get it from smaller domestic networks.
! You?ll be able to read books, either fiction or non-fictional works on any subject, or newspapers or magazines or scientific journals that are often published in English.
! You will be able to travel much more easily around the globe as not only is English an official language in 53 countries, it is spoken by people everywhere.
! The type of job opportunity you can seize will improve dramatically if you can offer the ability to speak English to an employer.
So, there you have it. A high quality learn English course for you to speak, read, write and listen in English could have a profound impact on many areas of your life.
Enjoy it!
For more information on different types of English learning courses, see:
How to Learn English Language
English as 2nd Language
How to Learn English Grammar
English Learning Programs
Software for Learning English
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