Thursday, September 29, 2011
Learn English Through Games

Learn English through games and make your learning fun!
There are a variety of wonderful games out there that have been developed to help people of all ages to learn the English language. You?ll find games that focus on reading, others that focus on vocabulary, some that focus on listening, and a whole lot more. So, if you are looking for an exciting way that you and the entire family can start learning English, the following are several great games you may want to give a try.
Vocabulary Jungle - When you learn English through games, there are lots of online games to choose from that are free. This is one of them. You play the game by choosing a specific category, and then you have to try to go through the jungle, but you can only step on the words that are in the category that you picked out. The word you choose has to touch the square you are already on, and of course you have to keep going forward. If you are not careful, you may end up lost in a jungle. However, the better you get at your vocabulary, the more likely you are going to be able to make it through all the way to the end.
Weather Words - This is another great game that focuses on vocabulary too. When you play the game you will get some letters that are moving. The goal of the game is to take those letters and use them to make words. Thankfully you?ll also get some type of a clue, such as an animation, a picture, or even a sound, to help you figure out which word you should be making. This is an excellent way to start making your vocabulary correspond with real life objects.
The Letter Game - The Letter Game is another great game that will help you familiarize yourself with letters and words. Basically you get a box of letters and one letter, which is in the middle will be in red. The goal is to make as many different words as you can with the letters in the box. The catch is that you have to use the ?red? letter in every, single word. Your goal should be to get 28 words for each box of letters.
There are many different ways to learn English through games. You can find computer games, online games, and even great board games that will help you to learn. So, find a good game and start playing to learn English.
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